Broths for rinsing dry hair


Broths for rinsing dry hair

In order to provide dry hair with the moisture they need, after a standard shampoo with a mild, nourishing shampoo, you should rinse it with softened water. And if you add plant extracts to water, you can enhance the moisturizing effect, give your hair extra softness, shine or color.

Many compositions for rinsing, in addition to direct softening of the hair, also make it possible to strengthen them, to cope with dissected tips and brittleness.

To rinse hair can not be used too hot water, it will only increase the dryness of your hair, while too cool will lead to dullness. Rinse the hair should not immediately after washing, and after 3-5 minutes, when they dry out slightly.

If rinsing too wet hair, the composition does not have time for them "to fix" and will not have the desired action. It is better to soften the pre-rinse water by adding a few pinch of borax powder or baking soda.

Traditional rinsing with vinegar and nettle for dry hair is not suitable, they are intended for normal or oily hair.

The only kind of oxidized conditioner for dry hair is based on wine vinegar. At the same time, before adding to the water for the conditioner, aged vinegar is drawn on herbs - tarragon and cilantro - for at least a month. For each liter of water for rinsing you need to pour in half a glass of wine vinegar and add a pinch of cardamom or nutmeg.

After the first rinse, your hair will be dull and get fat quickly, but after the second and third time when you use this technique, your hair will become tender and very docile. Wine vinegar with tarragon copes with hair loss and dull hair with systemic use.

But most dry hair conditioners are of plant origin.

Broths for rinsing dry hair

Lime Rinse not only returns shine to dry hair, but also makes them more silky and soft. Brew about 2 tablespoons of linden flowers in a liter of boiling water and place in a thermos, slowly cooling. After thirty minutes, strain the broth and rinse their hair, trying in parallel to massage the scalp.Soothing and regenerating the softness of dyed or dried hair can be made from lemon balm and thyme. Two sprigs of herbs brew in a liter of boiling water, slightly cool, strain and use for rinsing.

For light dry hair an excellent way to improve the condition of the hair can be a decoction of chamomile, and for dark - black tea. Brew 2 tablespoons of herbs or tea in a liter of water and allow to cool slightly, strain and rinse your hair. These broths for rinsing have a slight coloring effect.Dry hair need not only mitigation, but also nutrition. Mix two tablespoons of hops, horsetail and chamomile and brew in a liter of boiling water. Infusion rinse hair, trying to rub the infusion into the scalp. This composition is perfect for light and blond hair, but for dark hair, add horsetail and nettle bark to the horsetail.

Softens hair and rinsing decoction of sunflower petals (general scheme). First, let the mixture brew, and then heat and boil for 5 minutes.