Bride styling with short hair


blonde bride with a veil

Wedding hairstyles for short hair require a more creative approach, if everything is clear with long hair, they can be stabbed, braided in an open braid, with short hair such tricks are not carried out. You will have to show all your creative and fantasy makings to create a unique hairstyle for this very important day in the life of any girl.

bride in profile with a diadem on her head

Many stylist hairdressers say that it is very difficult to work with short hair, and creating a wedding hairstyle for short hair is very difficult.

Owners of a very short haircut will have a very hard time, from a boyish, little naughty girl, they should be reincarnated into a feminine tender lady.

For not having a long hair, a wedding hairstyle on short hair can be played well with a tiara, veils, flowers and other details of hair-décor. If the length of your haircut goes down below the line of the ears, then you have more variations of wedding hairstyles, then you can beat the hairstyle by texturing individual strands.

Secrets of the perfect image of the bride

wedding styling with short hair with rim

  • To make your hair perfect, you need to take care of the condition of your hair. Choose high-quality care: shampoo, conditioner, mask, it is also necessary to visit a hairdresser about 2 weeks before the celebration, to dye your hair and cut the split ends.
  • When you brought your hair in order, you can proceed to the selection of a wedding image. Recently, many brides have been conducting mini-castings on the selection of hairstyles, convening their close friends and a good experienced hairdresser to work out several options and find out which one is better.
  • Equally important is the harmony of the wedding hairstyle with the dress and veil chosen for the celebration.

Wedding hairstyle with your own hands or a trip to the salon?

Naturally choosing a trip to the salon, you gain more confidence in the impeccability of the image, as an experienced master with extensive experience will select the necessary hairstyle for you and easily embody even the most unusual idea. Moreover, the stylist always has a hairdresser in his set the best means of fixation, tools and details for decorating the hairstyle for a wedding.

wedding styling for a short length of hair

If you treat girls who are confident in their talent as a hairdresser, then you can make an interesting wedding styling at home. To do this, you need to stock up the necessary tools. Means for fixing styling: mousse, gel, varnish, wax, tools: hair dryer, set of combs (in the set should be different combs, from fine with fine teeth, which has an elongated thin rod for parting, to a large round, which helps to lay hair curls), hairdressing clips, they will help fix interfering strands (of course they are used if your haircut is a curl), a semi-professional hairdryer having 6 modes, three of which are for speed and three for temperature control, a styler for creating curls (very it is useful when laying a car), hair curlers, iron and last it is a means of decor (studs, barrettes, beads, rhinestones, miniature hats, tiaras, headbands, satin or openwork ribbons, flowers, veils, etc.

We decorate the wedding image

Wedding hairstyles for short hair, which are decorated with hair-décor elements, do not lose their popularity. Many beauties decorate themselves with a veil, tiara, fresh flowers. But many of them make mistakes in decorating them by excessively saturating the hair with elements, this makes the bride look awkward, so how to prevent such missteps and create a harmonious look for a wedding celebration? Here is the principle "less is better".

Wedding hairstyles with veil

girl with wedding styling with veil

If you choose a veil, then it is necessary to determine from what material it will be and what elements of decoration on it will be.

  • For example, a long lace veil or a veil with rhinestones, flowers, iridescent crystals is already a weighty addition to the image, you no longer need to decorate the hair.
  • If your veil is democratic or short, you can put on an elegant tiara or decorate any area of ​​the head with a live flower, you can pin a flower over your ear, insert the veil into the headboard.

Overhead Tricks

Girls, short love short hair, but on the wedding day they want to see themselves in the image of a long-haired beauty, then in this case you can use false hairpieces or strands. Such a laid-on beauty has advantages over extensions, overhead strands do not spoil your hair, they are a temporary remedy, in the morning you are a long-haired person, and in the evening again a short-haired beauty, such beautiful metamorphoses. False hair can be dyed, curled, straightened so you can easily create even the most elaborate hairstyle.

wedding curls with a flower on the side of the head

Flirty hat or veil

vintage coquettish hats on brides' heads

With these accessories you will become a retro-style bride, hats, veils are very feminine and elegant accessories. They will suit girls with any haircut, whether you have ultra-short hair or a fashionable bob.

Wedding hairstyle for short hair can be different in its style design. So, you can make retro waves, small curls, comb hair, make a wet effect or create an artistic mess.

The hat is usually attached to the side of the head, as if slightly tilting it, if your hat is light and made of lace fabric, then you can put it on top of the head and then move it over the forehead. As for the veil, the veil looks very sexy on the girl and even gives the image a mystery. They fix the veil on the top of the head, both along the center of it and moving it slightly to the side.

Vintage hairpins and headbands

vintage bezel in wedding styling

Nowadays, these accessories have a very diverse look and they can be made of various materials. Very often, wedding hairstyles for short hair decorated with hairpins. But remember that they should not be cumbersome and too fanciful. Suppose the option of hairpins with delicate flowers, feathers, crystals. When choosing a bezel, you must clearly understand the harmony of this accessory with your image as a whole. The headband can decorate wedding hairstyles for short hair in the form of retro waves or elegant waves.

Wedding hairstyles for short hair

There is not much room for creativity, the bobblestring bob is considered to be the most luxurious field for creation; with such a long one, you can make some interesting styling variations. With regard to short-haired persons, then the choice will not shine a special variety.

romantic styling for the bride

For ultra-short length

image for the bride with short hair

Before creating the styling, you need to wash your hair and dry it, then use texture wax to begin to texture the hair. Here you have only 2 options: smooth your hair or, on the contrary, it is easy to lift by making a naughty hedgehog.

Short haircut with long bangs

styling short bangs for the bride

You can give an unusual appearance by playing a little bangs. It can be straightened with an iron and stabbed behind the ear with the help of a beautiful hairpin. You can make a bang in the form of a retro wave, comb it or wind it up with curlers. Remember that your hair should be clean, just so you will achieve flawless styling.

If we dealt with the bangs, then what to do with the rest of the hair ?! If your hair is cut short enough, then apply a styling mousse on it and use a round comb to give it a basal volume. You can comb your hair at the back of your head or make soft waves (curls). if the length permits. We remember of course the decorations, they will complement your look!

short bridal hair decorated with flower

Retro 40s

Elegant, soft, cold waves in retro style is a very unusual decision of what the wedding hairstyle will look like for short hair.

waves in laying bride

To create it you will need a gel, hairbrush, iron. Retro waves can be done by resorting to large curlers.

  1. Apply styling gel to washed hair.
  2. Then separate the necessary thickness of the strands with a hairbrush and wind them with curlers, if you skillfully handle the iron, then you can do this manipulation.
  3. When your elegant waves are ready, you should lay out in the chosen direction, either on the right or on the left side of your head.
  4. When the wedding hairstyle for short hair will be ready, it remains only to sprinkle it with varnish and pick up a decoration.

Hairstyle for curly hair

bride with a veil and curly locks

Girls who naturally have wavy hair do not even need to think about what kind of wedding hairstyles for short hair will suit them. Laying with a wet effect or romantic curls, like nothing else will decorate you!

  1. To create a wet effect, you need to wash your hair, then slightly dry it and apply a styling gel.
  2. After that you can start drying the hair, you can dry the styling with a hairdryer or a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle.
  3. With romantic curls, it is just as easy, we apply mousse on the washed head, and then with a styler we twist the strands.
  4. You can make it even easier, wind the hair on the curler.
  5. The resulting curls can be left in romantic negligence, and you can collect in a beautiful flower, if of course you are allowed to length.
  6. On top of the styling spray varnish with a strong fixation and optionally make decoration.

Girls, whichever wedding dressing option you choose, remember to have a good hair fixation! After all, on this day everything should be impeccable, and disheveled, protruding hair does not paint the bride at all. Just do not forget about the accessories, because they are true friends in the styling short hair of the bride.

Video: Wedding hairstyle for short hair