Botox for hair. all you need to know about the popular
Aggressive effects of the environment, frequent staining, styling products, blow-drying - all of these factors adversely affect the health and beauty of the curls. Add to this the constant stress, poor nutrition, difficult environmental situation and it becomes clear why today only rare lucky people can boast of chic hair. However, modern cosmetic hair care products make it possible to correct the situation efficiently and quickly, for example, a rather young but already beloved procedure, botox for hair.
What does hair look like after botox
See also: Keratin hair straightening: stages, tips, reviews
What is botox for hair
The name of the recovery and recovery procedure "Botox for hair" everyone has heard today. However, many would like to know about it in more detail. Start with the fact that Nothing to do with botox for the face. A similar name was assigned to it due to the effect of rejuvenation. True, some complexes contain botulinum toxin molecules, but it is fundamentally different from the substance used in the fight against wrinkles. Manipulations do not include any injections, only masks and serums applied superficially are applied.
What is the difference between Botox and keratin straightening?
Botox - This is primarily a hair restoration, the visible effect lasts from 1 to 3 months. Botox does not straighten hair, but only heals them, making them less fluffy and porous. Also neutralizes yellowness, which is important for blondes.Keratin - The main function is hair straightening, visible effect up to 5 months. Keratin straightening can not be done pregnant and lactating. At the expense of smoothing, hair volume is significantly reduced. Keratin composition does not contain as many useful components as Botox, as it has a different function.Compare botox and keratin:
But the general two procedures have:
- they are suitable for any type of hair, - it is necessary to use a special shampoo and mask, - hair becomes smooth and shiny.
The composition and principle of action of drugs
Caring cosmetics used in the procedure are biphasic. The components are mixed immediately before application or directly on the head.
First phase This is a specially developed chemical composition that promotes the effective penetration of nutrients into the hair structure. He also "locks" the nutrients inside, preventing them from leaching.
Second phase - active substances that represent a concentrate of natural ingredients. They have a lasting cosmetic effect, nourish, restore, give shine.
Composition of drugs used during the procedures depends on the manufacturer, but there is no significant difference between them. Most often in such funds include:
Natural plant and essential oils - have a rejuvenating, softening, regenerating effect, provide shine; Natural collagen and hyaluronic acid - return the curls health, maintain an optimal level of moisture; Keratin - strengthens the follicles, thickens the structure, prolongs the effect of the procedure.
This recipe made popular tool "Magic Efecto Botox" from Tahe (Spain).
Product offered by an Israeli cosmetics company Kashmir Keratin Hair System, It fully justifies the name of the procedure “Botox for hair”, since one of the active ingredients here is botulinum toxin C. Unlike botulinum toxin A, used by cosmetologists, it does not cause muscle paralysis. The toxin molecule is ultra-small in size, which allows it to transport nutrients to the deep layers of the cortex. It is also the “lock”, which allows you to save the achieved effect.
Who is suitable Botox hair
Indications for the procedure are: dry hair, brittleness and lack of shine. The drug is optimal for owners fine porous hair with split ends. It aligns the hair structure, smoothing the "scales". Botox is indispensable for those who often dye or lighten hair.
Using the drug will allow to get color blond without unpleasant yellowness. In addition, Botox is often recommended for slow growth and prolapse, since all formulations contain a large amount of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.
The procedure is absolutely safe, but it has some contraindications. With a tendency to allergies, it is recommended to conduct a preliminary testing of the drug on the elbow. Abrasions, open sores or irritation on the scalp also serve as an obstacle to the manipulation. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure in the presence of tumors. During the period of pregnancy and lactation to use Botox for hair should be with extreme caution. Do not use the product too often. In the first trimester it is better to abandon any chemicals in favor of natural products.
The technique of the procedure and the end result
According to experts, Botox is designed to rejuvenate our hair, make it healthier and stronger. The procedure is very comfortable and pleasant, takes a little over an hour. The sequence of manipulations is as follows:
one. The strands are thoroughly washed with a special shampoo to remove residual styling products and prepare them for the effects of the preparation, dried with a towel or cold air of a hair dryer;
2 A reconstructing serum is applied to the hair along the entire length, which ensures the penetration of nutrients into the hair. The exposure time is 30-40 minutes;
3 Next, a sealing agent is applied, due to which the active substances are washed out gradually. After 5 minutes, the hair is rinsed with water;
four. The treatment ends with the application of an indelible restoring mask, which is used to prolong the action of the serum.
After the procedure, the hair becomes glossy, soft and silky to the touch. Curls gain volume, resilience and elasticity. After the procedure, the styling lasts longer, the hair becomes obedient, the electrification disappears. The color of the colored strands is quickened, and the paint is less washed off.
It should be noted that the effect of drugs not limited to visual effect only, as for example when keratin straightening. Deep impact allows you to restore the damaged structure of porous hair, make them stronger, provide protection from adverse factors.
An example of the procedure Botox for hairHow to make the procedure at home
Unfortunately, not every woman has the opportunity to visit a beauty salon. But you can perform the procedure at home. Best suited for this purpose products L'Oreal Professionnel Fiberceutic series. The procedure uses serum filler and sealing care.
The first is available in sealed ampoules and comes with a dispenser that looks like a syringe. Sealing composition is of two types. In the jars produced a mask of thick consistency, designed for hard, curly hair. Light cream in a polymer bottle with pump is recommended for European-type hair. In addition, the series includes shampoo Pure Resource and a mask with a supportive effect.
Fiberceutic products contain an innovative component of the Intra-Cylan molecule, a feature of which is its ability to change structure under the influence of water. When dried from linear, it becomes branched. This creates a frame that supports the hair from the inside. Also included in the preparation:
Hyaluronic acid; Vitamins A, B, C and D; Lactic acid; Natural oils, including essential; Cysteine; Keratin amino acids; Perfume Fragrance.
The method of hair restoration using this technology involves the use of active serum and a sealing compound in the following sequence:
1. Wash and dry your hair, leaving it slightly damp; 2. Pick up the serum in the dispenser and apply to the strand over the entire length; 3. Mash curls with your fingers, so that each hair is enveloped in the composition; 4. After 3 minutes in the same way spread over the entire mass of hair sealing compound; 5. Leave the agent for 10 minutes, then gently rinse. 6. Do not try to remove the tool completely, on the contrary, from 30 to 50% of the composition should remain. The procedure can be resorted on the eve of an important event, it will allow you to look great with minimal financial costs.
Botox at home with Tahe Magic Efecto botoxThe effect of Botox - how much holds
Often in reviews you can hear that Botox for hair procedure is quite expensive and useless. Unfortunately, the composition is really washed off with water. But the duration of action depends on which cosmetic product was used. The longest effect is different Israeli drug. According to the manufacturer, the resulting effect can be saved up to five months.
Spanish and French The complexes contain keratin and hyaluronic acid, which do not penetrate deep into the hair structure. Therefore, the result remains a little more than a month. The cost of the procedure depends on the length of the curls. In various salons price ranges from 1500 to 5300 rubles. To make the result more stable, it is recommended to complete a course of 4 procedures, with an interval of 2 to 4 weeks.
Botox for hair - reviews
In our group, readers shared their experiences from the Botox procedure for hair, reviews:
I am delighted with Botox! If you really did Botox (you can mix anything) as with keratin. The master does me with a capital M. Everything opens up during my suggestion when I do. Botox, they shine, they have grown, they have become denser. Super thing. Botox is recommended to do it twice a month. As it is a cumulative effect. You won't notice anything from once. Natalya Nikolaevna I did. I have little hair, they are light and slightly curly and I constantly make highlights. I wanted to heal the type of well and did. The hair of course became smooth, but the volume disappeared completely, if earlier I could make myself a volume with styling tools and it seemed that my hair was normal, then after Botox my hair looked noticeably thinned and straight, the curl did not hold. Since I wash my head every morning, this effect was enough for about a month for me. Irina Shalyapina I liked it, before the procedure, the terrible hair was .. I want to do more, but the price tag? I did. I wanted to restore my hair after boost-up! I didn’t notice a special effect, at first the hair was a little denser, then everything became as it was Paiza Asadulaeva I did Botox recently, I really liked the effect, my hair became thick and soft, but the effect was enough for 1 month ((Although it seems to me that even now, 3 months have passed, the hair of the pack looks much better. Kira Andreeva