Bio-straightening of hair - how to carefully part with curls


Girl with light brown hair
Bio-straightening hair is a procedure that helps modern beauties to turn their naughty curls or curly hair into a straight, smooth hair, while avoiding a negative impact. Such hair straightening helped girls with afro or just curly hair forget about hair dryer, hot straightening iron, dry tips and a ton of styling products. Bio-straightening of hair appeared in the distant 70s in exotic Japan.

The principle of operation and technology of bio-straightening

During the manipulation of the bio-straightening of hair, the masters use substances that contain ions with a negative charge. The energy that comes from these ions contributes to the splitting of clusters of water molecules. After splitting, small molecules penetrate the hair more well. As a result, after the procedure, you may notice that the hair straightens, moisturizes, becomes smooth and shiny.

Before and after hair biowave straightening

Most often, bioviscerating hair is carried out in the salon. Only an experienced master can straighten curly hair correctly. This procedure lasts from two to six hours. The amount of time spent on straightening depends on the length and density of the client's hair. Professional master conducts the manipulation in several stages:

  1. The first reagent is applied throughout the hair, it is aged for a certain time. Under the action of the reagent, the hair structure begins to change gradually.
  2. After this, the hair is washed under running water, washing away the reagent with the strands.
  3. Then with the help of an ionic hair dryer to dry hair.
  4. The next stage is the sealing of the composition in the hair structure. To do this, use a special laser-ion iron.
  5. After all the strands on the head are treated with an iron, a special fixative is applied to the hair.

Washing head

Positive and negative aspects of the procedure

If you wondered how to straighten your hair forever and for this purpose you chose the procedure of biorescent hair, you should weigh the pros and cons before you go to the salon or a store to buy the necessary tools to carry out manipulations at home. Let's get acquainted with the pros and cons.


  1. The result after the hair bio-straightening is not less resistant than after passing through similar procedures, such as permanent straightening, chemical, keratin or Japanese straightening.
  2. The procedure does not use chemical reagents, such as ammonia, alkaline elements or thioglycolic acid, which are harmful to the hair.
  3. The composition of the rectifying reagent includes mineral natural rectifiers, created on the basis of amino acids of natural origin - amino-cysteine ​​complex. There is no acid group in cysteine, and this ensures complete safety of the procedure. So the hair shafts and scalp are not affected by negative effects.
  4. Girls suffering from excessive volume and fluffiness of curly or afro hair completely forget about these problems.
  5. After the procedure, the hair is filled with moisture and has a healthy glow. In addition, the procedure of combing becomes trouble-free, since there are no tangled shreds, as it was before.
  6. No special post-treatment care is required. You can just wash your hair and comb the hair with a comb, while your hair will not be sleek, preserve the natural volume.
  7. If you get tired of wearing smooth straight strands, then you can quickly regain your curls.
  8. Owners of dry tips will notice a quick revival of their hair because of saturation with moisture.
  9. After a properly performed procedure, the result is maintained for a long time.

Bright brown hair with a smooth head of hair


  1. The procedure is quite long. During this time you may be tired.
  2. Bio-straightening of hair is not so ideal for different types of hair as similar counterparts of Japanese or keratin straightening.
  3. If you decide to say goodbye to the direct head of hair, you will be helped only by substances containing sulfur. After using sulfur, an unpleasant odor will persist on your hair for a few days. And also you can notice that the strands are dry and their pigmentation has broken, that is, the color has become dull.
  4. Due to the fact that there is no chemistry in the rectifier, and a natural bio rectifier cannot overhaul the structure, after washing your head you will have to use a flat iron to restore a smooth styling.

Post-treatment care

After the professional master finishes all the manipulations, he should explain to you in detail about the proper care of your hair. But if you have not received such recommendations, we will tell you how to properly care for your hair at home, so that the result will please you for a long time.

  • Purchase special care products in specialized stores or buy online. If you wash your hair with conventional means, then nothing terrible will happen, the only thing that can happen is the disappearance of the former brilliance and softness.
  • After such straightening curls, you can tie a tail and weave pigtails, without fear that you spoil the result.
  • Unfortunately, you can wash your head only after three days.
  • On painting hair do not hesitate before it takes 10 days.

Combing smooth hair

Hair correction procedure

After a little time has passed and your hair has grown, you will need to repeat the bio-straightening procedure again. The largest number of visits to the master for the correction procedure is 4 times a year. Correction is not carried out throughout the head of hair, and affects only the root zone. After you correct the last result, your question about how to straighten your hair for a long time will be solved again.

Emmebi Italia Hair Cosmetics

Bio-straightening hair at home

If you have wondered how to straighten hair permanently or how to straighten bangs, but you don’t have the time or money to go to the salon, because the procedure is not cheap, then you can perform a biowave straightening procedure at home. To do this, you must buy a set of tools for bio-straightening, armed with a hairdryer and an iron. If you are the owner of long and thick hair, it is better to ask a loved one to help you, since you can not straighten the hair alone.

The technique of performing the biowave straightening of the hair is the same as in the professional salon; we described it earlier. The most popular companies that produce sets are Smooth from Green Light, Emmebi Italia and DXL.

Smooth-family straightening cosmetics

Video: How does the hair biowave straightening procedure