Aloe cope with any hair problems


Aloe cope with any hair problems

Every girl wants to have beautiful, healthy and silky hair. Beautiful women with long, shiny hair drive men crazy with their own appearance.

Health and beauty of hair depend on many factors: nutrition, health, external factors, etc. To restore the beauty of the hair you will be helped by various care products that our daily market is so rich with.

However, nothing more beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, as natural components, such as aloe, which has long been known for its healing properties.

Aloe juice beneficial effect on the scalp, fights seborrhea, nourishes, activates and heals hair follicles, stimulates hair growth, strengthens them, eliminates the cause of split ends of hair. Hair gain strength, shine and elasticity.

You can simply rub into the skin of the head freshly squeezed aloe juice or make masks based on it. Perfect in this case, the combination of aloe juice with honey, sour cream, onion, egg or brandy.

If you are struggling with split ends, then you need a mask based on aloe and kefir. The finished mixture should be evenly distributed on the hair. The effect will be amazing!

Return shine to hair You will be helped by a mask that contains aloe juice and burdock oil. Spread the mixture, preheat, on the hair for 30 minutes, then rinse hair well with shampoo.

Repeat the procedure once a week and you will see a positive result.

If your hair is constantly dry out, undergo a chemical perm drop out strongly, then you can return to them their former elasticity and beauty with ease and without extra cost. Just rub the aloe juice in combination with honey and castor oil into the hair roots. The mixture should be warm when applied. After 30 minutes, wash your hair well and rinse with a decoction of nettle or chamomile.

If you are tired fight dandruff, Try aloe mixed with honey, castor oil and lemon juice. Apply the mixture onto the hair for 30 minutes with massaging movements.

Aloe cope with any hair problems

If you have exhausted hair, then use a bread mask with aloe. To do this, soak in the broth chamomile or burdock slice of black bread, strain. In the resulting liquid, add lemon and onion juice, egg yolk, aloe juice, castor oil and jojoba oil.

Thoroughly apply the mixture to your hair for 1 hour, put a plastic bag on top to keep it warm. If you repeat this procedure for a month, your hair will get a “live” look.

To eliminate the excessive oily hair and dandruff you will help aloe juice mixed with brandy, rum and mustard. Apply the mixture to your hair for half an hour, then wash them thoroughly.

Thus, aloe is a unique herbal remedy in the fight against dry, brittle, greasy hair and dandruff. The effect of treating hair with aloe juice will be better if it is prepared in a certain way. To do this, pick aloe leaves and put them in the fridge for 2 weeks, then skip the juice through a meat grinder and strain.

Aloe sap obtained in this way acquires biogenic stimulants. These biologically active substances several times enhance the healing properties of the plant.