Afro-nursing care


Afro-braids, like any other hairstyle has both positive sides and negative ones.

Pros and cons afrokrosichek

Pros:1. Afrokosichki save a lot of your time. Now it is not necessary to style the hair with a hair dryer, using a lot of products, curl with forceps, comb and other things.2. You will change your image drastically even with short hair, transforming it at once into a real mane to the waist. Hair for a long time protected from the harmful effects of the sun, hair dryer and hot curling or ironing.4. If you get tired of this hairstyle, they can be knotted at any time, and it is not difficult. And the hair will become the same as before.

Minuses:1. The first time, until the hair grows out a bit, you will be bothered by the tightness of the skin on the head. With dark rosikolon pigtails it can be a little hot. But there are hairstyles devoid of this problem (for example, a zizi hairstyle) .3. The problem may occur when washing the head: it is very important to thoroughly wash out the shampoo.4. Duration of weaving afrokrosichek. Not everyone can endure braiding ten hours in a row, and after three hours someone will start to panic and not find a place for themselves.


Afro-brosins are contraindicated for those who have skin diseases, for example, dermatitis or rash of sores on the scalp, or are allergic to synthetic materials. This type of hairstyle is contraindicated for those with weak, bleached hair, or balding.

Afrokosichki basically unpretentious and easy to maintain. With them there are no problems and fuss, as with everyday styling of ordinary hair. They do not require special care.

How to wash afrokosichki

Afro-brakes are washed once a week with warm water and regular shampoo. Too often it is not necessary to wash - from this appearance only worsens. Best suited shampoo for normal hair, without the content of balms and conditioners. It is necessary to apply a little shampoo on the sponge, lather and wash the scalp, and then the pigtails.

It is important to thoroughly wash off the remnants of shampoo. Slightly squeeze the pigtails and wrap in a towel so that it absorbs the rest of the moisture. Dry the head at room temperature in the usual way. You can dry it with a hair dryer, but it is not recommended to use hot air, as it can damage the synthetic material, preferably cool or warm. Also visit the bath, sauna and be under the scorching sun you need in a headdress.

Afro crochet correction

A prerequisite for the care of afrokosichkami is timely correction. The specialist will remove the fluff from the lost hair to you, it can also twist the pigtails from the front and temporal parts, if the hair is enough for the industry and the nodules slid down. Thus, you bring afrokrosichki another month and a half.

When Afro-braids are being untied when combed, many complain that they have lost a lot of hair, so Afro-braids are dangerous. The refutation is quite simple and convincing: each person has about 1000 hairs per month. In their place there are new, and the hair does not change.

Afro-braces are worn for about half a year, and when they start to unravel and comb their hair, all the hairs that should have fallen out, but remained in pigtails, fall out. So do not worry in vain.