African braids with threads
African braids with threads
African braids hit summer for several years in a row. Bright, bold, charming hairstyles with afro braids are good for both young and old enough girls.

Bright motifs of afro braid with threads
Weaving with threads is the easiest and most affordable way. If desired, and the ability to do this hairstyle at home, though the process itself will take quite a long time. As a professional, it takes about 6 to 8 hours, and an amateur or even a beginner will have to spend half a day on this masterpiece.

What is needed?
For the hairstyle, African braids with threads we need a comb, acrylic yarn of the desired colors and of course patience. By the way, it is rather inconvenient to weave on yourself, especially the back of the head, so it would not hurt to stock up on an assistant. It is possible that the braider would start braiding the braids, and the owner of future afro braids would help by braiding the tips. Thus, in four hands, the process of weaving is greatly accelerated.

We take the threads preferably 100% acrylic, they do not shrink and do not fade as natural. Divide the yarn into strands. Each strand has three threads folded in half. The length of each of these strands should be 20-25 cm longer than the length of their own hair.

Select the hair for the first pigtail. The thinner the braids are, the better they will hold. We take the first strand of thread and in the place where they are complex we form a weak nodule.

The part of the hair separated for the braid is divided into three strands and the first one we put on the knot, we tighten it tightly. We divide the threads by two to each hair strand and weave a pigtail in the usual way: first the left strand under the middle one, then the right one, and then the left one again and so on until the very end.

Excess thread length can be removed by cutting with scissors.

African braids with thread option number 2
Afro braids with threads can also be made with a pickup. It turns out quite an interesting hairstyle from a lot of tiny dragons. The main secret of this weaving is - the thinner the interlaced strands and supports, the more beautiful the result.

Someone may say that the braids with threads are the last century, this time in the fashion of the braid with kanekalona, it is much safer, etc. etc. But this statement is quite controversial and not fair. After all, pigtails with threads have a number of advantages. They are more accessible and simple, it is much easier to weave with a thread than to work with the same Kanekalon. Pigtails with threads are more durable and fall apart less, thus being an excellent option for a beach hairstyle. Do not wear them for 3 months, a few weeks of walking with them is enough. And the convenience of an afro braid will be enjoyed and hair will not be harmed. And in the end it is worth noting that the braids interlaced with threads have their own unique and inimitable charm. No other material for weaving can replace them. And this is a fact.