About the benefits of honey for hair

About the benefits of honey for hair

The benefits of honey few have any doubts, because in terms of the content of nutrients and vitamins, it will give odds to many other products. His qualities are actively and quite successfully used by cosmetologists, creating more and more new tools based on it.

But more and more often you can make sure that “everything new is well forgotten old”, since many recipes using honey in Russia have been known for a long time.

It was difficult not to notice the softness and shine that honey conveys to the hair. And this beauty goes hand in hand with the health of the hair: regular use of honey-based masks relieves dandruff, stops hair loss and qualitatively tones the scalp.

Even an industrial hair conditioner will be much more effective if you add a little honey to it.

To make the hair shine and silkiness once a week, half an hour before washing your hair, you need to rub honey into the hair roots. It nourishes the hair follicles, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and disinfects the scalp.

To strengthen and soften hair at the same time, it is recommended to regularly apply a mask based on chamomile and honey decoction. For its preparation you need to insist in a water bath 30 grams of pharmaceutical chamomile in 0.1 liters of boiling water, strain the infusion, cool and add two tablespoons of honey to it. The resulting solution to soak the hair after washing. Let them dry, and only after an hour rinse them with plenty of warm water. The fatter the hair, the more often you can apply this mask.

About the benefits of honey for hair

To prevent hair loss effective onion-honey mask. The onion should be rubbed on a fine grater and four times less honey should be added to it.

If the hair is dry, then you can supplement the mask with vegetable oil of direct extraction: olive, linseed, burdock or grape seed. The resulting composition is applied to the hair roots for 40 minutes. Then the hair is washed with water with the addition of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

When applying recipes using honey, remember that it has slight brightening effect. Honey contains a substance similar to hydrogen peroxide, but it acts much softer and does not damage the hair. And if hair lightening is welcome, then it can be strengthened by covering the hair with a mask with a warm towel or holding honey on the hair for a long time.

The presence of a mask of lemon juice or decoction of chamomile can also enhance the lightening effect.

More hair masks in the article "Honey Hair Mask Recipes".