• During the day, each hair becomes longer by about 0.35 mm. • Within a month, hair grows on average by 12 mm. • Over the year, hair grows by an average of 15-16 cm. • Hair grows most quickly between the ages of 17 and 25. • Between the ages of 14 and 17, the longest hair grows, and after each new hair change, it becomes shorter. about 1 million onions per person’s head, our body uses only 100–150 thousand. • If the hair is never cut, then its maximum length will be 107 cm. • During sleep and in the summer, the hair grows faster. • Blondes have the largest number hair on the head is about 120 thousand, in brunettes about 100 thousand and in red 80 thousand. At the same time, blondes have the thinnest hair. • Hair can be stretched to 1/5 of its length, after which it returns to its original condition. • Hair strength can be compared to aluminum strength. • First hair appears even before birth, about 4 months pregnant • The main component of hair is protein. • The hair roots of a woman “sit” 2 mm deeper than that of a man. • Every day, a person has up to 100 hairs.