Zoom teeth whitening


lightening enamel zoom

One of the dental procedures that allows you to make the enamel in several colors lighter - Zoom teeth whitening. Despite this advantage, it has many drawbacks. What is Zoom teeth whitening, what are the disadvantages of the procedure, how it is performed and how much it costs you will learn further.

What is Zoom Whitening?

Zoom-teeth whitening is a chemical lightening of enamel, which is the fastest and most effective of all existing methods, but also the most traumatic for enamel. The role of the bleaching agent is a high-acid composition based on hydrogen peroxide. The essence of the procedure is as follows: this composition is applied to the teeth, and then the enamel pores open up under the action of a polymerization lamp and acid gets into them. As a result, your smile will become brighter for a couple of tones. Dental clinics in advertising this service promise to brighten almost 8 tones, but most often the result is a 2-3-tone color improvement and numerous reviews confirm this.

Benefits of whitening Zoom

The advantages of this method include the following:

  • Quickly. The procedure takes you 1-2 hours.
  • Effectively. Your smile will really become noticeably brighter.
  • Safe for gums. The procedure takes place under the supervision of a professional, and therefore the risk of injuring the gums is minimal.

zoom photo before and after

The disadvantages of lightening enamel Zoom

However, teeth whitening system Zoom has a number of disadvantages, including:

  • After the procedure, many greatly increase the sensitivity of the teeth. Some reviews say about unbearable pain for the next 3-4 days, teeth like "shoot" and even potent painkillers, such as Ketans, are not able to cope with this pain.
  • The procedure is not available to everyone, the estimated cost of 15,000 rubles.
  • Enamel preparation is necessary before a bleaching session.
  • After the session you need to remineralize enamel.
  • The method is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who do not suffer from sensitive teeth.
  • Enamel becomes more susceptible to staining. You will have to forget about tea, coffee and other dyed products, such as beets, tomatoes, carrots, stop smoking if you want to prolong the result.
  • Having done the procedure once, to maintain the effect you will need to repeat it again. An alternative to maintaining the result can be homemade teeth whitening Zoom.
  • Another unpleasant moment: the enamel can become brighter unevenly, stained.
  • Darken again, the enamel can quite quickly, although dentists promise a result for a year, but the reviews suggest otherwise.

enamel hypersensitivity

Who can use tooth whitening Zoom

Immediately have to forget about this girl, whose teeth are too sensitive. Due to all the disadvantages of this procedure, the responsible dentists recommend it not to everyone:

  • Girls who have teeth in good condition and do not require radical measures, it is better to abandon this method.
  • If you have dark enamel, but the shade is uniform, it is better to use home teeth whitening Zoom, which is less aggressive. The system for home use includes gel and kappa. You can buy the system in online stores, the estimated price of about 3000 rubles.
  • Girls who have an uneven shade and really require dental intervention can go to the teeth whitening system Zoom. Enamel will actually become lighter, but be prepared for the fact that after you have to periodically use your home system to maintain the result.
  • If there are fillings on the frontal teeth, keep in mind that the lightening compound will not work on them and, after lightening the enamel, the seals will have to be replaced with new ones.

whitening result before and after

But despite all these shortcomings, there are quite a few people who want to become the owner of a Hollywood smile. If you are also determined, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the procedure, the preparatory stage and find out what kind of care you will need after visiting the dentist.

How is teeth whitening Zoom

If the photo results inspired you, you have no contraindications and you are going to do a teeth whitening Zoom, you will need detailed information about it.

Preliminary preparation for Zoom lightening enamel

Teeth whitening Zoom should not be done spontaneously. First of all, the teeth should be treated, if there are any problems with the health of the oral cavity, they must be eliminated. In different clinics, the preparatory stage may be different: one dentist may recommend that you clean the teeth 2 days before the manipulation to reduce sensitivity, while another may advise you to make a tray in the clinic and for 2 months strengthen the enamel with a reinitial gel. Do not neglect this stage! By preparing the enamel for manipulation, you can greatly reduce the risk of unbearable pain after it. Immediately before manipulation, it is recommended to drink a pill of a strong painkiller.

girl treats teeth

The scheme of Zoom teeth whitening

In dental clinics Zoom 3 and Zoom 2 can offer you teeth whitening. In Zoom 3, the concentration of whitening substance in the gel is higher and the flow of light from the lamp is stronger. Held Zoom teeth whitening as follows:

  1. You will come to the clinic at the appointed time. Sit back in a chair, as the process is not fast.
  2. The dentist will open a new individual enamel brightening kit.
  3. A special dilator will be placed in the mouth, which will fix it in the open state.
  4. On the teeth will cause a special composition to reduce the sensitivity.
  5. The gums and oral mucosa are isolated using a special cofferdam membrane made of silicone or rubber. Some dentists use a special gel, which is convenient to cover all areas of the gums.
  6. Lips and skin will be closed with napkins in order to avoid contact with a lightening compound.
  7. You will be given goggles of orange color to protect your eyes from the light of the Zoom lamp.
  8. A brightening compound will be applied to the teeth, and then a lamp will be brought to them, under the action of which the process of release of active oxygen from the gel will be activated. This chemical oxidation reaction in the top layer of enamel will result in its lightening.

zoom 3 procedure

You are waited for by 3 approaches for 20 minutes: after each shutdown of the lamp, the remnants of the gel will be removed and a new layer will be applied. Feelings will be rather unpleasant, but tolerable.

Aftercare for teeth

To carry out this manipulation without subsequent remineralization can be called a crime in relation to its own teeth. If you dare to Zoom, be prepared for the fact that after the session you will have to:

  • Use only professional pastes to strengthen the enamel.
  • At night, use kappas with medicinal and soothing compositions.
  • Rinse thoroughly after taking meals.
  • Pay special attention to the condition of the teeth and refuse products that can change their color.

girl rinses her mouth

Within 2 days after the session you can not eat and drink colored foods and drinks, you need to refrain from smoking. Dentists recommend during the week to comply with the so-called "white" diet, that is, try to eat only white foods and drink clear drinks.

Video: How to do Zoom 3