Tattoos in indian motifs


Indian war paint

Indian tattoos are one of the oldest traditions of painting your body with ornaments, which bears in itself not only an aesthetic, but also a semantic part: it conveys the life of nations, beliefs and historical events.

Indians - the civilized people of the ancient world, whose culture is much superior to other civilizations of North America. They were excellent builders, successful hunters and brave warriors. The ancient culture of Indian tribes attracts with its non-triviality, colorful images, the spirit of solitude with freedom and nature. Not surprisingly, free people left behind a rich cultural heritage. Of great importance they paid to the art of tattooing - body drawings.

Colorful images of women

After a large amount of time, the Indian theme in body painting has not lost its relevance. Sketches of Indian tattoos remain the most attractive and popular of all ethnicity in our society. The most popular tattoos received in the United States, where residents pay tribute to their ancestors and demonstrate respect for traditions. After all, high-quality tattoo in Indian style is a unique work of art, endowed with cultural meaning.

Women's tattoos

The life of the ancient tribes was inextricably linked with the surrounding nature, therefore, the sketches of body art had a special influence: the Indian totem, sacral symbols, animals and birds. Initially, tattoos were intended for men from the tribe in order to exert psychological pressure on enemies. The girls began to make ornaments much later to decorate the body.


Until our time came to accurate information about the meaning of body patterns of the Indians. Let's take a closer look at them.

Tattoo depicting a portrait of an Indian

It is considered the most common. For a long time only one leader had the right to impale her. Portraits are not limited to depicting only men, beautiful maidens, shamans, wise old men, strong warriors can also be present. Their heads are decorated with chic feathers. The meaning of the talisman is help in love affairs, the owner of which must find his soul mate and find happiness by the end of his life.

The leaders

Mythical deities

North American peoples believed that the world was inhabited by various invisible deities, entities: gods, spirits, personified natural forces. Most of them are disposed towards people favorably. One of the most charismatic images is the god Kokopelli. According to ancient legends, the positive deity travels through the villages in a human form, playing the magic flute.

Kokopelli gives people happiness, but sometimes incites people to different pranks. After its appearance, there is always a change of season. Today, this wonderful little man with dreadlocks will suit both guys and girls, leading an active and adventurous lifestyle. Totem belongs to the symbol of creative and sexual energy, protects childbirth, provides a rich harvest, and also instills a spirit of fun and mischief in a person.


Sacral symbols

To perpetuate the end of endless wars with other tribes and the animal world, the American people made jewelry with images of household items: axes, bows, arrows, knives, pipes of the world. Often were body decorations with pictures of animal tusks, coins and beads.

Military topics

The most famous talisman is the Dreamcatcher, which to this day carries the meaning and remains popular. In ancient times it was believed that the totem drives away evil spirits, stops negative thoughts and bad dreams.

Women's sketches

The location of the charm near the head, on the shoulder or on the neck. It was believed that negative thoughts and negative dreams that need to be driven away and keep the mind pure can accumulate in the head. Today, Siberian shamans use the Dreamcatcher to better remember and reflect on their dreams.


Images of animals

Animal theme was very common among the patterns of ancient tribes. Each beast gave the carrier a certain set of qualities.

Bison and wolf

  • Bison helped survive in difficult and snowy times.
  • The wolf testified to courage and fearlessness in battle.
  • A bear could tattoo only the brave man who entered into a fight with him and won.
  • The turtle was a symbol of wisdom, strong health.
  • Snake impale cunning warriors.

Ornaments on the back

Native American tattoos are vivid works of art that can beautify the body of the wearer and perpetuate the traditions of past generations. With their help, you can easily stand out from the crowd and declare their uniqueness.

Video: Indian tattoo - popular sketches