Slimming drink with cinnamon and honey - two secret


slender lady

Cinnamon with honey for weight loss is one of the most popular diet drinks of the last time, despite the fact that the benefits of both components have been known for a very long time.

Who is this drink?

Usually honey and cinnamon are mixed and dissolved in water in order to activate and strengthen the body's immune forces during the cold season. In addition, such drinking is useful in the fight against diseases such as:

  • Thrombophlebitis (cinnamon helps thin the blood);
  • Ulcer and frequent heartburn (honey-cinnamon mix reduces the acidity of gastric juice);
  • Intestinal colic, flatulence and lazy stomach syndrome (both ingredients normalize digestion, and honey has a mild laxative effect);
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (these two products lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, not only reducing the risk of a heart attack, but preventing a second one);
  • In addition, those who during the epidemics of influenza use this drink daily, adding to it also lemon juice and ginger, suffer a cold much more easily or do not get sick at all.

Top 5 useful properties

Reset excess: myth or reality?

However, it’s long to say that honey is a storehouse of vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants, and cinnamon only enhances its positive effect on various systems of the body, is not worth it, it is known to many. But to use these components in order to lose weight, started not so long ago. Reviews on the Internet suggest that losing five kilograms in a month using honey-cinnamon drink is real. So, how it helps to lose weight and what you need to know to prepare this "balm"?

tasty and healthy drink

The main secret lies in the fact that water with cinnamon and honey improves digestion, quickly removing remnants of undigested food from the intestines. As a result, the fat is almost not deposited, and the glucose that the body receives along with the honey-cinnamon mixture is converted into energy. In addition, both ingredients suppress appetite, so instead of having breakfast, it’s enough to drink a glass of water with cinnamon and honey to feel cheerful and energized.

about the benefits

Simultaneously with the fact that excess weight is gone, this slimming drink restores the intestinal microflora, which neither diet teas and mixtures can boast, the main action of which is either a sharp laxative or a diuretic. In addition to dehydration and intestinal problems, they have no effect.

Of course, waiting for a miracle from daily consumption of honey and cinnamon is not worth it: firstly, this slow process, secondly, no dietary product just like that, without adjusting the diet and at least minimal sports, will not help you to get a slim figure, an integrated approach is needed . In general, of course, the system “eat and grow thin” is a dubious phenomenon, and even if it were true, the body cannot have any beauty without muscles.

the result is slimness

Nevertheless, well-chosen food helps to provide the body with necessary (but not excessive amount of necessary, not “empty” calories), satisfies its basic need for glucose (and the exorbitant cravings for sweets are just a bad habit) and is responsible for the immune system and good mood. From this point of view, cinnamon, honey, and lemon for weight loss are a mixture of useful and natural products, and using them simultaneously with a sufficient power load can be reduced in steps.

How to take this swill

The scheme is simple:

  1. Breakfast is better to replace the above-mentioned mixed ingredients, having previously dissolved them in water. In that case, if you do not get rid of the first meal, you need to drink the mix 30 minutes before eating.
  2. In addition, to achieve the effect swipes should be taken between meals instead of dessert or any other snack. At home, of course, it is easier to do this than, for example, in an office, where many have the habit of drinking tea with sweets, treating their colleagues. However, if you resist such temptation, instead of drinking tea with “fast” carbohydrates - water with “slow” (which includes honey and cinnamon), you can get energy for the rest of the day instead of fat.
  3. This diet drink will need to be replaced and snacks before bedtime, which are relevant for many. It’s impossible to cancel them completely: the body is accustomed to receiving a portion of calories at this time, and an empty stomach will not let you sleep, whereas honey and cinnamon will give a feeling of fullness without overloading and will not turn into fat on the sides.

ingredients for slim figure

It is possible to take such a mixture for a long time: from 2 weeks to 2 months, this is a rather individual question. In order to understand how many days to take a drink, you need to keep a weight loss diary and observe the dynamics: as long as it is, taking the mixture is justified, as soon as the weight becomes constant, the course can be completed.

Who should refrain from the course

True, this instruction is relevant only in the absence of contraindications. So, honey and cinnamon for weight loss are not suitable for those who:

  1. It is prone to allergies (medoc - one of the most dangerous products in this regard);
  2. Prone to frequent bouts of hypertension;
  3. Suffering from diabetes;
  4. In addition, this balm is contraindicated in pregnant women, since cinnamon contributes to the reduction of the uterus and stimulates preterm labor, and honey can form an allergic reaction in a child. However, those who are expecting a child do not have to go on diets in principle, since the set of kilograms of this case is a natural and regular process;
  5. Nursing mothers, this drink is also not recommended, especially in the first six months, when breast milk is the only food of the infant. With the beginning of the first feeding of the honey-cinnamon mixture, you can cook yourself, preferably after consulting with a specialist.

very useful duet

Nuances to remember

Choosing the ingredients for a drink, it will not be superfluous to know about the following subtleties:

  • Honey must be natural and fresh (stored for less than a year), otherwise the effect will be minimal;
  • It is better to choose a dark honey (for example, buckwheat) - it has more benefits;
  • The quality of the product should be tested, well, if it is sold by a familiar beekeeper;
  • Medoc can not be brewed with boiling water - it not only loses its beneficial properties, but can also become harmful. Water should be warm.
  • Ground cinnamon is undesirable to use - it is almost meaningless. It is better to buy cinnamon sticks (preferably made in Ceylon), in order to grind them immediately before preparing the mixture.

beautiful figure

3 simple recipes for slim figure

And now - recipes for those who decided to gradually fight for a slim figure:

  1. Pour a couple of cinnamon sticks with boiling water, cover with a saucer and wait 20-30 minutes, then add a teaspoon of honey.
  2. When the mixture is cool, it will need to be removed in the refrigerator to preserve all the beneficial properties.
  3. It is necessary to take half a cup before each meal or between them.

When preparing the mixture, you can also add two slices of lemon to the glass - during the cold season this will further strengthen the immune system. In addition, for a change, you can add these ingredients to any tea - black, green, chamomile, however, you cannot keep it for longer than a day, and each time you will need to cook the mixture again.

To fully satisfy the body's daily need for vitamins, it is enough to drink tea prepared according to the following recipe three times a day:

  1. Grated ginger (1 teaspoon) is mixed with the same amount of cinnamon and poured over two cups of boiling water.
  2. When it cools down a little, add med honey (4 teaspoons).

with kefir

On fasting days or in moments of the most severe hunger, this recipe may be useful:

  1. To 0.5 liters of kefir or any other fermented milk product you need to add freshly ground cinnamon and honey (in a 1: 2 ratio) and mix thoroughly.
  2. Keep the resulting cocktail only in the refrigerator for no longer than a day.

So, cinnamon and honey are effective helpers in the fight against obesity, if you competently approach this issue and do not wait for a miracle. The advantages of these ingredients include naturalness, good content of vitamins and antioxidants, as well as the ability to charge with energy. With regular sports and nutrition, honey-cinnamon drink will help to forget about 2-8 pounds per month, which confirms more than 80 percent of reviews on the Internet.

Video: Recipe for weight loss and health promotion with honey and cinnamon