Slimming 7-slim
The problem of overweight is faced not only by women, but also by men. Causes of obesity can be:
- Violation of hormonal levels;
- Improper nutrition;
- Slow metabolism.
For losing weight, many slimming use pills that somehow help them in this. One of the representatives of the pharmaceutical market is 7-slim.
All information that will be provided below, except for the last paragraph, is collected from the sources of the manufacturer of the drug 7-slim and its advertising agencies. Believe it or not, you decide))
The composition of the drug 7-slim and release form
7-slim is an agent containing components that help to reduce weight without serious consequences for the body. Composition:
- Ginger root - is used to improve the work of the digestive system, participates in the process of fat loss;
- Goji berries - remove the accumulated waste fluid in the body, contain a whole complex of vitamins and minerals;
- Spirulina - reduces appetite;
- Turmeric - improves lipid metabolism, fat burning in the body.
- Cambodian Garcinia - the main substance in the preparation of 7-slim. It cleanses the body, improves digestion. The enzymes that make up the plant help burn fat.
Manufacturers have provided only one form of release - ampoules. In the package 5 pieces.
How does the drug 7-slim
7-slim slimming agent reduces weight due not only to its natural composition, but also to the effect:
- It activates the metabolism, thereby contributing to weight loss;
- Reduces the desire to eat food;
- Does not return dropped kilos again;
- Cleans the body;
- Reduces the appearance of cellulite;
- It produces a natural hormone - iris;
- It promotes the removal of fluid in the body, which leaves swelling.
Where to buy a 7-slim, the cost of the drug
The drug for weight loss can be purchased at a pharmacy or through the manufacturer's official website, ordering home delivery by courier.
The cost of the drug varies from 850 to 1000 rubles per pack of 5 ampoules. Before buying should be convinced of originality:
- The instruction should have two languages (Russian and English);
- The release date should have even numbers that cannot be erased.
How to take 7-slim
Depending on the level of obesity, the drug should be consumed one to three times a day. Should be consumed before meals, preferably for 1 hour. The vial should be opened and drunk with clean, non-carbonated water.
If the desired weight has already been achieved, and you have taken 2 pieces a day, it is not recommended to stop taking 7-Slim immediately, but it is necessary to reduce consumption to once a day.
Do not exceed the course of admission, a maximum of 2 months, after that a break of 30 days is required.
Indications for use
Take 7-slim if you need:
- Excess weight;
- Constipation;
- Elevated cholesterol;
- Swelling that does not depend on fluid intake.
All of the above problems are diseases that the doctor must treat with the help of drugs, and not some questionable advertised "drugs".
Side Effects and Contraindications 7-Slim
- Breastfeeding and pregnant women;
- Persons who have an individual intolerance to the components included in the composition;
- Age up to 18 years.
Side effects can occur only when the dosage is broken. The risk of side effects is minimized, since the drug consists entirely of natural ingredients. When overdosing can be observed:
- Rash accompanied by itching;
- Sharp increase in pressure;
- Noise in ears;
- Vomiting;
- Diarrhea.
Reviews about the drug 7-slim
On the forums you can read real reviews, including negative ones:
Gennady, 53 years old: the drug did not fit me. After the first dose, it became noticeably worse, the heartbeat increased and it became difficult to breathe, and the second time I did not dare to drink. The reasons for what happened are unknown to me, perhaps an allergy or poor quality goods.
Positive feedback is much more:
Maria, 58 years old: losing weight long ago and tried many different tools. 7- Slim bribed natural composition, which will not have a harmful effect. During the month I spent about 10,000 rubles and lost almost 15 kilograms, which is good news. Now I advise all friends who are overweight.
Valentina, 49 years old: I began to notice that the old clothes were small to me, but unfortunately, I can’t afford previous physical activities due to my health, I had to look for an alternative. After tasting several drugs it became even thicker, which horrified me. After the advice of a friend bought this drug and after the first day of taking the weight decreased by 1 kilogram and 250 grams. After a couple of weeks, I got into shape, but I didn’t stop at that, I dropped, moreover, 7 kilograms, now my weight is perfect.
Eugene, 33 years old: after the marriage began to grow belly. Wife cook and cooks so tasty that it is impossible to resist. Naturally, my willpower could not allow me to give up the next portion of the cake, began to look for a quick way to reduce my appetite, came across a 7th slim. The tool is good, which is stated on the official website, of course, it corresponds. My result for the monthly intake is 14 kilograms, and I do not stop there.
Alexandra, 25 years old: I am an athlete and never thought that I would suffer from extra pounds, but after the pregnancy it happened. My weight was almost half in size and I couldn’t start active sports because of my health. The doctor advised me to buy 7-Slim remedy, and immediately after the purchase I began receiving it. For 2 months, which is allowed to eat, I lost 7 kilograms, someone will say that this is not enough, but the loss of weight did not harm me. After that there was a month break in which I did not return the lost weight, and after- restarting the reception, which I finished reaching my goal.
Customer reviews naturally play a large role in the choice of the drug, but it is also worth considering the individual characteristics of the person himself. For example, if a person weighs 100 kilograms and wants to take 30 kilograms for the reception of one package (5 ampoules), this will not happen. Slimming with 7-Slim is always gradual, which allows you not to cause total harm to the body. So say the manufacturers.
There were many similar drugs, we wrote about them in this section of our site They all promised lightning weight loss. But if everything was so easy Obesity is a disease, chronic, incurable, that scientists, nutritionists, and nutritionists all over the world are trying to find a cure. Proper nutrition is the only way to lose weight, but not cure the disease, as fat cells do not go away. In case of eating disorders, weight loss is guaranteed.