Ozone therapy for weight loss
Ozone therapy for weight loss is an effective and safest method of body correction, which came into our life relatively recently. The essence of this method is to saturate the skin cells with a chemical composition, which is 95% oxygen and 5% ozone.
In an undiluted, natural state, ozone is a strong oxidizing agent and in a concentrated form has a destructive effect on the environment. But if it is introduced into the body in small doses, it becomes an active antioxidant that helps to cope with toxins, radicals and fat accumulations of the body. If for cosmetic purposes it began to be used relatively recently, then ozone therapy was practiced in medicine as early as the war years of the 19th century, as a means of promoting the regeneration and healing of wounds in soldiers.
The effect on the body ozone therapy
Ozone therapy has a number of healing properties that have a positive effect on the state of the organism as a whole. It renders the following properties:
- anti-inflammatory;
- lymphatic drainage;
- immunomodulatory;
- restoring;
- bactericidal;
- anti-cancer effect;
- promotes fat splitting and weight loss;
- treats diseases of the joints, gynecological pathologies, blood diseases, dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, skin and fungal infections;
- promotes skin renewal; eliminates scars and screeds, smoothes wrinkles;
- eliminates cellulite;
- has a relaxing effect, removes from stress.
The intensity of the manifestation of certain healing properties depends on the particular patient, and his body as a whole.
Contraindications to ozone therapy
Ozone therapy against cellulite, as well as ozone therapy for weight loss, is based on the acceleration of chemical reactions that take place in the body (blood, lymph, subcutaneous fat). That is why it is important to pre-consult with a doctor before proceeding with the procedures. Reviews of doctors on the application of this technique are ambiguous. Unanimous recommendation: avoid this procedure for children and pregnant women.
Ozone therapy is contraindicated in:
- pancreatitis;
- internal bleeding;
- allergic reaction to ozone;
- disorders of the cardiovascular system;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- hypo, hypertension;
- acute alcohol intoxication;
- oncologic neoplasms.
It is impossible to ignore the fact that ozone provokes the growth of both healthy and pathogenic cells in the body, and if a patient has a generic predisposition to cancer, the risk of "waking up" the disease increases.
In order for ozone therapy for weight loss to be carried out with maximum benefit, without harm to health - take a test for the presence of cancer cells and consult your doctor for an individual dose of ozone, as the body's response to it is different. A specialist will draw up a schedule for you to receive ozone procedures, which will be carried out in stages over the course of the recovery.
At home, using this method for weight loss on your own is not recommended because modern equipment and devices in medical and cosmetology rooms allow you to strictly control the flow of oxygen-ozone mixture into body tissues: dosed out at certain time intervals. Only in this case, the procedure will show a positive result.
The essence of ozone therapy for weight loss
First of all, discuss with your doctor what kind of treatment you would like to receive:
- lifting (lifting the contours of the face and body);
- volume reduction.
For each procedure, an individual concentration of oxygen-ozone composition is developed.
- The essence of the procedure is to install five hollow needles in the problem area. The needles are connected to the device, which injects the required concentration of the substance subcutaneously.
- After 15 minutes, the needles are rearranged to the next zone. Thus, the entire surface of the body to be adjusted is being worked out step by step.
- The treated areas are massaged carefully to evenly distribute the substance into the tissues, improve blood flow and stimulate the flow of lymph.
- The procedure itself is not very pleasant, even painful, so an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin. The whole process takes about forty minutes.
- Then they make a deep anti-cellulite massage so that there are no bumps from ozone injections. To prolong the positive effect of the procedure, the patient can use her hands at home to massage problem areas daily.
Ozone therapy for cellulite helps to solve the following tasks:
- strengthen and improve the structure of the skin;
- split cellulite layer;
- remove waste products and toxins from the body, neutralize the effects of free radicals;
- level the surface of the skin;
- saturate tissue with oxygen;
- intensify the production of collagen fibers.
Tips and tricks
Instructions to the patient who chose the method of ozone therapy for weight loss, provides some recommendations:
- it is undesirable to carry out the procedure in winter, as ozone can freeze under the skin (there will be bumps);
- It is undesirable to overheat the body, in order to avoid unpleasant sensations (burning);
- undesirable strong physical exertion, which can cause quite a strong pain in the muscles;
- After the procedure, massage the body to evenly distribute the gas mixture.
Reviews of patients who have undergone the procedure of ozone therapy suggest that the results appear after the first procedure. And the overall effect of ozone therapy lasts up to a year. The cost of one visit to the salon or to the clinic varies from 600 to 1000 rubles. But do not forget that the price of health is still more expensive, so before you make a final decision - consult with a competent specialist!