Hardware methods for hair removal


girl in a white bathing suit

Laser hair removal

The meaning of laser hair removal lies in the fact that the laser beam has a destructive effect on the follicle.. In the bulb is a cell with pigment (melanin), which absorbs heated and destroys the neighboring cells of the matrix (germ zone of the hair) and vessels that feed the hair follicle. After a few weeks, hair with a dead root will fall out.

laser hair removal

A short duration and quick cooling effect ensures that the procedure is painless. The clear advantage of the laser technique is the possibility of epilation of the intimate area, face and armpits. Very likely to remove hair permanently. And the disadvantages are the limitation with light skin and hair and of course the high cost of the service. This is explained by the area of ​​the area to be epilated, the amount of hair and the structure (hard and dark are more expensive).

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Acute herpes in the area of ​​epilation;
  • Dark skin color;
  • Recent tanning;
  • Acute viral diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Light, red and gray hair will not give the effect of hair removal.


  • Harmlessness;
  • High performance;
  • No scarring and irritation;
  • The ability to conduct a session at any time of the year;
  • Does not injure the skin;
  • Security;
  • Painlessness;
  • Comfort procedure.

photoepilation on face

Exposure to hair occurs with short flashes of light. The method is similar to a laser, only with a difference in the impact on a large area and a ray of light that has different physical properties. This event is absolutely painless, suitable for all zones. But with photoepilation, the coefficient of removed hair is less than with laser, which entails an increase in the number of sessions.


  • Ischemia of the heart
  • Hypertonic disease
  • Keloid disease
  • Allergic reactions on the skin
  • Chronic skin diseases
  • Exacerbation of herpes
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Lactation
  • Pregnancy
  • Acute viral diseases
  • Parasitic diseases (dermatozoa, helminthiasis)
  • Oncological diseases


  • The speed of hair removal (up to 30 minutes)
  • When photoepilation produces collagen, which smoothes, rejuvenates and regenerates the skin.
  • Contactless method of hair removal
  • No possibility of infection
  • Minimal skin damage
  • After the session, the effect continues for some time, so the hair does not grow for a long time than with other types of epilation

How are the procedures of photo and laser hair removal

epilation in the armpit

Before performing the session, an anesthetic gel is applied to the epilated zones (about an hour). Then the client and the master wear glasses that protect the retina. During epilation, the master leads over the skin with a device attached to a laser or photoepilator. After equal periods of time, flashes of light are produced that affect the hair. And after each of the manipulations, a special gas that cools the skin is applied to the skin. This prevents the formation of burns, skin pigmentation and the appearance of scars. At the end of the procedure, a special cream is applied to soothe the skin. The master gives parting recommendations and the time of the next procedure. For the final removal of unwanted hair will require from 3 to 7 procedures. With the help of photo epilation session, you can get rid of any hair except gray and very light, as they lack melanin.

Recommendations for photo and laser hair removal

During the month it is not allowed to sunbathe, go outside in sunny weather to apply sunscreen cream (SPF30). Also 10 days later, after the procedure you cannot go to the sauna, take a bath and a hot shower. Limit yourself to sports.

Video: destruction of facial hair

Ultrasound Hair Removal

ultrasonic epilation on face

New and quite effective procedure for removing unnecessary vegetation. This method is used in addition to wax depilation. It removes vegetation with ultrasound and a special gel. Before the start "activity" depilation is performed, then the desired area of ​​skin is lubricated with a gel and an ultrasound machine is treated with ultrasound. During the procedure, the gel molecules penetrate deep into the skin and inhibit the division of new cells. Hair follicles, which are in the active growth stage, die off at the very first session, and the rest in subsequent procedures. The total time of the procedure can be about one hour.

To get a good result, the procedure should be repeated once a month, about 6-10 times. Qualitative results will appear approximately a year after the first senas. If you continue to hold supporting sessions a couple of times a year, the effect will last for a lifetime.


  • Any hair is treated, even those with which other types of epilation fail (light, dark, gray, down, thin);
  • Relatively low cost of the event;
  • Painlessness;
  • The ability to get rid of unwanted vegetation, even in the lips, eyelids, ears and nose.


  • Individual intolerance
  • Pregnancy
  • Not recommended to handle the bikini area

A significant disadvantage of ultrasonic hair removal is that, together with the germ cells of the hair, the cells of other tissues are destroyed.

Video: laser hair removal