Fruit peeling


home cleansing procedure

Today, one of the most popular cosmetic procedures is fruit peeling. This is a superficial chemical type of peeling that, when used properly, gently affects the skin and is able to give the cells a new breath. Unlike mechanical, chemical peeling does not peel off dead cells and dirt, but dissolves them due to fruit acids. Let's talk about what fruit peeling is, how effective it is and what contraindications it has. We will learn the features of the salon procedure, get acquainted with cosmetics based on fruit acids from the pharmacy and make homemade fruit peels on our own.

Fruit peeling and its principle of action

Chemical fruit peeling is one of the ways to cleanse the skin, which will help cells regenerate faster. The procedure will make it possible to notice the visible result already after 1 application: the black dots disappear, the pores narrow, the fine wrinkles become less noticeable, the complexion improves.


The basis of this cleansing is the action of fruit acids or ANA-acids. For professional use, they are obtained from natural fruits by synthetic means. But you can use the fruit in its pure form for home cleansing. Usually for the procedure using the following types of acids:

  • Glycolic. Get it from sugar cane. It has a pronounced exfoliating effect.
  • Lemon Contained in all citrus and pineapple. Effectively tightens pores, whitens skin.
  • Apple Well moisturizes the skin, makes it lighter.
  • Wine Contained in grapes. Eliminates pigmentation and combats skin laxity.
  • Dairy. Contained in blueberries. Effectively moisturizes the skin.

Each acid has a different property, they can be combined or used separately.

The effectiveness of fruit peeling

You will see the effect of this purification after the first session. Peeling with fruit acids does not injure the deeper layers of the skin, but effectively eliminates impurities, penetrating up to the dermis. Because of this, acids have a powerful stimulating effect on the skin cells, which leads to faster regeneration, metabolic processes, improved respiration and rejuvenation. After 1 procedure, you will notice a decrease in black dots at least 2 times, the complexion will become more healthy, its grayness will disappear.

photos before, during and after

Indications for peeling fruit acids

An indication of the procedure may be the presence of acne on the face, enhanced work of the sebaceous glands, enlarged pores, age-related skin changes in the form of wrinkles. If you are not satisfied with the condition of your skin and consider that it requires more thorough cleansing than make-up remover, fruit peeling will help to clean the skin gently and delicately.

girl and lemons

Contraindications to the procedure with fruit acids

Peeling fruit acids, like any other type, is contraindicated in:

  • Herpes
  • Warts
  • Inflammation of the skin and wounds.
  • Various dermatological diseases.
  • The skin's tendency to pigmentation, scarring and allergic reactions.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

If you have too sensitive skin, fruit peeling for the face will not work for you. There is a high risk of burns. In addition, the most suitable period for carrying out any chemical peeling is spring and autumn; in the summer, the procedure should not be carried out.

facial cleansing with ANA-acids

How is the procedure at home and in the salon

Salon procedure can be carried out independently at home, it does not require great skills and time-consuming, moreover, you will save a good amount of money. The difference between the salon and home procedures primarily in the means for cleansing. In the salon, experts use a professional tool, and at home the mixture is prepared on the basis of various fruits. You can buy fruit peels in the pharmacy, but reviews on the Internet indicate their lower efficiency compared to natural fruits.

Scheme of the fruit peeling procedure

The procedure both in the salon and at home is the same. Step by step process looks like this:

  1. All cosmetics are removed from the face.
  2. The skin is cleaned with a special tool, then the face is washed with clean water.
  3. The mixture containing fruit acids is evenly applied on the face.
  4. A certain time is maintained, for each acid it is different, from 2 to 10 minutes. At this time, perhaps a slight tingling of the skin, but a strong burning sensation that must be tolerated should not be. If this is observed, it is necessary to immediately wash the composition from the skin in order to avoid an allergic reaction or burn.
  5. After the expiration of the composition, its remains are removed from the face.
  6. A soothing and moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.

salon procedure

The procedure is carried out no more than 1 time in 2 weeks to achieve the desired result, but only by a specialist. If you decide on a homemade cleansing, do not carry out fruit peeling for the face more often 2 times a year.

Salon peeling with fruit acids

Fruit peeling in the salon will give you the opportunity to admire beautiful skin for six months. Numerous photos and reviews confirm the effectiveness of the procedure. Specialist cosmetologist will be able to clearly choose the right time of exposure of the composition, based on the type of your skin, its condition and the means used. The cost of the salon procedure is about 2000 rubles.

fruit peeling procedure in the salon

Homemade fruit peeling or self-cosmetician

Fruit peeling at home is easy and affordable. First of all, choose the fruits that will form the basis of your cleanser, it is important that you do not have an allergy to these fruits. It is advisable to carry out an allergic test by applying a bit of the prepared mixture to the skin of the wrist. If the reaction is not followed, you can use the AHA-acid at home. We have prepared for you a selection of the most effective recipes, focusing on the reviews of experienced online.

Recipes fruit home remedies

The basis of the mixture for cleansing can enter any fruit from available apples to papaya and pineapple, and therefore the price of home cleansing can be selected for any wallet. You can buy any fruit, ideally they should be local and seasonal, then the benefits of them will be maximum.

Kiwi puree

The procedure is carried out according to the standard scheme described above: the skin is cleaned, the product is applied, the right time is traced, the tool is washed off, the face is rubbed with ice cube or chamomile decoction. The most popular recipes for you:

  • "Sparing lemon". Mix lemon juice with any oil in proportions of 2: 1. It can be olive, almond, coconut or any other oil. Stir the ingredients, moisten cotton pads in the solution and apply to the face for 5 minutes.
  • "Universal of Kiwi". Take a half of ripe kiwi, puree it with a blender or mash with a fork. Add 1 teaspoon of semolina to thicken the composition and avoid dripping over your face. Exposure time: 3 minutes.
  • "Pineapple for smoothness". It will take 2 tablespoons of ground pineapple puree blender, 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 large spoons of oatmeal for the thickness of the mixture. The residence time of the composition on the skin: 5-7 minutes.
  • "Banana Kiwi". Pureed half a banana and half a kiwi, mix. Keep on skin for about 10 minutes.

lemon and banana puree

If desired, and for greater efficiency in any of the proposed recipes, you can add a drop of vitamin A or E.

Pharmacy cosmetics to clean the face at home

For cleansing at home, you can use pharmacies. Most beauties recommend:

  • Peeling-skatku Secrets Lang, which you can buy an approximate for 200 rubles.
  • Peeling gel Primer, which costs about 1000 rubles.
  • Remedy for BeautyMed based on salicylic and a mixture of fruit acids, you can buy it for about 1,500 rubles.

If you are impressed with the photo results and you have ventured to self-cleansing at home, do not keep the composition on the face longer than the recommended time and choose high-quality fruit.

Video: Malysheva on the purification of the ANA-acids