Fitness for obese women


plump and slim girl

Fitness for obese women is an effective training program designed for girls whose physical performance does not allow them to do standard fitness programs. The modern age dictates special conditions for women: the representative of the weaker sex should be beautiful, well-groomed and slim. But what to do if your proportions are far from the notorious 90-60-90, and you want to have an attractive figure? You have tried many diets, went to the gym and group workouts, but all these methods did not bring any significant results? Most likely, you chose the wrong path in the fight for harmony.

Why am I not losing weight?

If you already have excess weight, exceeding the norm by 10 or more kilograms, then traditional fitness programs will no longer suit you. Overweight negatively affects the entire human body. Each extra kilogram increases the load on the heart, lungs, joints and other vital organs. Have you ever seen a plump person who is healthy? Most likely no. Therefore, doing fitness by methods designed for women with normal weight, you risk not only not achieve success, but also significantly undermine their health. But there is a solution: fitness suits you for the full.


Fitness for the full: how it works

In the minds of many people who are just starting to play sports, there is a stereotype: the longer and more intense the training, the faster the result will be. Therefore, many women immediately begin to engage in 6 times a week for 3-4 hours. With such loads, the result will be deplorable: you not only will not achieve a significant result, but also significantly undermine your health.

So what should fitness look like for fat people, in order to preserve health and bring a figure in order? First of all, a fitness program for the full should be made taking into account the physical abilities of the trainees. Exercise intensity should be moderate. Good news for ladies who want to bring their figure in perfect condition: the more your weight, the faster you will lose weight.

First of all, the fitness program for the full should include cardio-loads, responsible for reducing weight and body fat in the body. As cardio aerobics is perfect for obese women, adapted for the fair sex with so far non-ideal proportions.

Aerobics for obese women: where to start?

fitness for obese women

You have decided that aerobics is the kind of load that you want to do, but don’t know where to start? You have 2 ways: classes in group classes under the supervision of an instructor and independent workouts at home. Step by step we consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the proposed methods.

If you are a beginner in fitness, then you cannot do without exercises under the supervision of a trainer. Pluses are obvious:

  • You will work under the guidance of an experienced specialist, who will always help to correct mistakes in the execution of exercises and motivate you to further victories in the struggle for a slim figure. After all, we all know how difficult it is sometimes not to deny herself any favor.
  • You will meet like-minded people with whom you will be bound by common goals and interests.
  • Some people find it difficult to force themselves to study at home. If you are one of these, you will be helped by group lessons.

But, along with the advantages, group lessons also have disadvantages. The disadvantages are in the money issue and in spending a lot of time on the way to the fitness club and in psychological discomfort. In such cases, suitable lessons at home at home. As in the first embodiment, a similar way of doing fitness has both advantages and disadvantages.

plump girl

Among the advantages are the following points:

  • No additional time costs. You will spend time only on training and engage in any time convenient for you.
  • Opportunity to choose their own programs. On the Internet there are a large number of aerobics programs, of which you can choose the most suitable for you.
  • Lack of financial costs. You keep your personal budget safe and sound, because you don’t have to spend money on a subscription, renting a cell to keep things in the club and other additional expenses.

Aerobics at home. Sculpt the perfect body with your own hands

If you have chosen this option for yourself, then you will need the following accessories: a disc with recording aerobics, sneakers and drinking water. It is worth focusing on the fact that to engage in this sport can only be in sneakers. This will save you from possible injuries, as well as greatly facilitate the exercise.

What is the best video to do?

Currently, finding a good video with a fitness lesson is not so difficult. You can buy a class drive or find the right resources on the Internet. Fitness life is dynamic, every year more and more new directions appear, so you can easily find the program you need. By following the exercises of the online instructor step by step, you will soon see the first results.

aerobic girl

Fitness for the very full: the nuances and notes

The instruction is as follows: if your weight exceeds the norm by more than 20 kilograms, you should consult your doctor before starting classes. As for the rest, the scheme of occupations does not differ from the above described options.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in the struggle for the beautiful figure, aerobics alone will not be enough. In the process of losing weight, you need to follow a balanced diet, drink enough water and do not limit your physical activities only with aerobics - take a walk in the fresh air more, sign up for the pool, go for a massage. But try not to dwell on weight loss. You will achieve a good result much faster if you have other important goals in your life. Good luck and sporting achievements!

Video: fitness aerobics for plump women