Epilation of a bikini zone - the best techniques


girl in red bikini

Epilation of the bikini zone is no longer perceived as something incredible, today this procedure has already become an everyday necessity for most women. Perfect smoothness in the bikini area is not only a matter of aesthetics and sexuality, but also hygiene and comfort. Do you want to know how to do hair removal in the bikini zone, what are women ready for, for the sake of beauty and attractiveness in the eyes of men? Then let's talk about this delicate topic.

Types of modern epilation

First of all, let's clearly define the differences between hair removal and depilation, because these are two fundamentally different approaches in combating unwanted vegetation. The first implies the removal of hair with a bulb or the destruction of the hair follicle by impulse. Whereas depilation is the removal of only the visible part of the hair above the skin. Depending on what method will be applied to the follicle, bikini hair removal is of the following types:

  • photoepilation;
  • laser hair removal;
  • electrolysis
  • Elos bikini hair removal.

585-Epilation bikini-best

Modern types of hair removal can help you to forget about the problem of unwanted hair, but for one hundred percent result you need to go through several procedures, and not just one. The fact is that at the time of the procedure, each follicle is in a different stage of development. You can only affect the hairs in the active phase, so the number of sessions for the ideal result is strictly individual.

Photoepilation of the intimate area

Epilation of intimate places with a bright light flash is not as painful and more effective than other methods of removing unwanted hair. During the procedure, the hairs "attack" from two sides:

  • a flash of light acts on melanin, which gives hair color;
  • exposure of light to the hair follicle leads to its destruction, if it is in the active phase or damaged, if it is in the resting stage.

Photoepilation is perhaps the most painless epilation of a bikini area. Most of the girls during the session feel only the heat that is formed as a result of the transformation of light. If your choice is an epilation of an intimate zone with light flashes, do not expect instant results. In one session, on average, about 20% of the follicles are removed. The cost of one session from 1500 to 6000 rubles, depending on the number of required outbreaks.


Electro Hair Removal Bikini

Bikini hair removal with electric current is a rather painful procedure. A thin needle is inserted under the skin, through which an electric current is applied, which has a destructive effect on the follicle. It is necessary to insert the needle in stages for each hair, of course, it is quite long and painful. Therefore, electrolysis is only suitable for the most desperate beauties.

The professionalism of the master will be decisive in the effectiveness of the procedure. Correct procedure is carried out as follows: the current effect causes the hair to “bounce”, at which point the master must pick it up with tweezers. If a specialist simply pulls out the hairs, there will be no destructive impact on the follicle, which means that the hair will grow back in the same place.

The disadvantage of electrolysis is the possibility of pigmentation, hair ingrowth and even infection in case of non-compliance with sanitary norms. For each client, a new sterile needle should be printed, pay special attention to this!

Laser Hair Removal Bikini Area

Photoepilation and laser hair removal of a bikini area have a lot in common, some even mistakenly believe that this is the same thing. The basis of these methods is the effect on the follicle by light flashes, which are subsequently converted into thermal energy. But between these methods of hair removal on the delicate area there are significant differences:

  • The spectrum of light waves and the types of lasers used are different. A krypton lamp is used in photoepilation, and a monochrome beam in a laser.
  • Laser hair removal of a bikini area has a point effect, while equipment for photo-epilation is able to directly affect large areas of the body with powerful light flashes.
  • Since a monochrome laser beam acts more purposefully than a lamp in photo-epilation, it will take fewer sessions to achieve an ideal result.
  • The time of laser hair removal from half an hour to several hours, and photoepilation will take 10-20 minutes.
  • The estimated cost of hair removal in the bikini area with a laser is about 4,000 rubles, while photoepilation will cost you an average of 5,500 rubles.

laser machine

To remove about 99% of unwanted hair in the bikini area with a laser, you need at least 5 sessions with a break of 1.5 months. After the first procedure you should not wait for incredible results, you need to realize that for a good effect you will have to repeat the session more than once. But already during the first week after the procedure, a significant part of the hair will fall out, and the remaining will become significantly thinner.

Elos delicate hair removal zone

This method of removing unwanted hair is the most progressive and effective. It combines the use of light and electric energy. After treatment, the hair will never appear in its place. Step by step procedure is as follows:

  1. Initially, you will need to be examined by a doctor in a beauty salon. After that, you will be assigned a time of procedure.
  2. You will need to shave your hair in the bikini area on your own with a machine at home.
  3. Before the Elos procedure, the skin of the intimate zone is cleaned with a special agent.
  4. An anesthetic gel is applied to the skin with a thin layer. The same gel in combination with the cooling system of the Elos device prevents burns.
  5. Goggles are worn over the eyes of the client and the master.
  6. After the treatment of the zones with an Elos device, the specialist treats the skin with a special spray.

elos model

Epic-bikini deep hair removal is painless, unlike most existing methods. The cost of the procedure is quite high, about 10 thousand rubles, but this is the price for comfort and one hundred percent result.

Bikini waxing epilation

The endless controversy around itself causes epilation of a bikini waxing area. And all because when waxing it is impossible to remove hair permanently, no matter how many procedures you may have. Yes, the hairs will become less and thinner, but you will not be able to get rid of them forever. So, rather, waxing of an intimate place can be attributed to bikini depilation. Wax is a good way to remove unwanted vegetation with your own hands. Virtually everyone can independently perform the procedure. But this simplicity of the procedure is blocked by the drawbacks that the waxing of the bikini zone has in wax:

  • the wax in the bikini area is painful;
  • waxing has many contraindications, including varicose veins, diabetes mellitus;
  • Waxing should not be done 3 days before and 3 days after the critical days.


If you dare to wax, perform the procedure in the intimate area with hot wax. It allows the procedure to be performed more gently, since under the influence of high temperatures the pores open up better. After the session it is recommended to treat the skin with a special cream that slows the growth of new hair.

To deep epilation of the bikini area had a good result, it is better to hold it in the cabin. The master will do everything right, without injuring the skin. In addition, the intimate area is considered “hard to reach,” so it can be quite difficult to wax yourself. Waxing the bikini area can give you smoothness for 2-3 weeks. The cost of a deep bikini wax is about 1200 rubles.

Sugar epilation bikini area

Shugaring or sugar hair removal of the bikini area has become popular relatively recently. It has a number of advantages over wax, and is carried out using a similar technology, only sugar paste is used instead of wax.

The advantages of shugaring are the following:

  • Natural components of sugar paste allow using the method even for women prone to allergic reactions.
  • The cost of the procedure is quite affordable: in the salon, 1500 rubles, at home with self-made pasta for free.
  • The result will please you very much: smoothness will remain for about a month.


Sugar epilation of the bikini area at home begins with cooking pasta:

  1. on a slow fire to a caramel-like state, bring a mixture of 200 g sugar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of water.
  2. After that, let the mixture cool slightly and apply to the intimate area.
  3. Apply strips of cloth on the treated area and a sharp movement of hair growth to tear them off.

Cream for hair removal intimate areas

hair removal cream

Specialists do not recommend using a cream for epilating intimate areas. The effect will be brief, and epilation is difficult to call. The cream penetrates deep into the hair, but dissolves only the "neck" between the visible part of the hair and the bulb. As a result, you will not have “black spots” on the skin, but your hair will continue to grow, that is, the cream for epilating intimate zones will not allow you to solve the problem forever. In addition, to use the cream on such a sensitive area, experts do not advise, because you can get a powerful irritation of the mucous.

Video: laser hair removal bikini area