Black tattoos - choose the best black tattoo for yourself

Today, many girls, wanting to decorate their bodies and like themselves, resort to tattoos. Prejudice in society is gradually weakened, and the black tattoo on the female body is no longer considered indecent. When choosing a design and style, many are guided not only by the value of the tattoo, but also by its aesthetics, fashion trends. Lately, black tattoos can be seen more and more often on girls - both small inscriptions and images, as well as whole works of art that have a special meaning. There are many styles of such tattoos, each of which is interesting and original in its own way. The article will take a closer look at the styles and types of black tattoos for girls and what are their features.
Black tattoos: what is it?
Black tattoos for girls today are very popular. Girls tend to prefer gentle, light and elegant sketches for tattoos that carry deep meaning. With the exception of traditional images of animals, flowers, insects, there are several styles of black tattoos that are popular with girls.

One of the most popular is blackwork. The peculiarity of this direction is that there are large black spots in the sketch, while other tones are used very rarely - sometimes there are inclusions of red or white elements. As a rule, these are clear lines, geometric shapes. Such tattoos harmoniously look both on men and women, they often do not have special meaning and are just a beautiful image.
The technique is ideal for overlapping skin defects, scars, sketching old tattoos, burned, lost the look or just annoyed. The style of blackwork is not necessarily coarse sketches, it can be inscriptions, mandalas, animalistic and geometric patterns.

Other destinations are also in demand:
- Tribal - Polynesian and New Zealand tribal black tattoos, made with ink. Represent a geometric pattern with a symbolic meaning.
- Dot is one of the most time-consuming techniques of dot images of geometric patterns.
- Ethnics - various religious and philosophical motifs in the form of Japanese or Chinese characters, Celtic patterns, African or Indian ritual images.
- Inscriptions - aphorisms, oaths, slogans, the names of loved ones, which reinforce a certain fact of life or personal installation.
- Black and white tattoos - these contrasting images look restrained and are distinguished by the graphic quality, the clarity of lines and the artfully superimposed shadows. Their style can be any, from inscriptions to drawings of any complexity.

Where to make Black Tattoo? Choosing a place for tattoos
On the female body there are several points on which the tattoo will look especially organic.
- Wrist. On this part of the body, black designs look no worse than white tattoos. Organically look hieroglyphs, inscriptions, ethnic patterns, as well as sketches of animals. Such black tattoos on the arm can, if necessary, be hidden under the watch or wide bracelet. However, the disadvantage of such a tattoo is a painful application process.
- Back. On the back, you can depict both a small drawing and a whole picture that can be easily hidden or, on the contrary, put on display, picking up open clothes. The image on the back will last for a long time, because the skin on it remains almost unchanged. However, if the picture is stuffed on the spine, shoulder blades or ribs, severe pain is possible, because the bones are located close to the skin; large drawings require several procedures - the figure is packed in stages. Also for the tattoo on the back is difficult to care for yourself.
- Stomach. Pictures on the stomach can be placed both in the center and on the side. These are usually small symbolic images - hieroglyphs, the symbol of yin-yang, flowers or animals. It should be borne in mind that a black tattoo looks good on a tightened abdomen, and it is this part of the body that is subject to change: weight fluctuations, health problems, age and postpartum changes may not in the best way affect the appearance of the tattoo.
- Neck. Tattoos on the neck look very attractive and at the same time they are easy to hide by flowing hair. In addition, it will retain its appearance for a long time, virtually unchanged with time. Typically, a black tattoo is done on the back of the neck, but it can also be done on the side. Usually the neck is decorated with small drawings, hieroglyphs or inscriptions.
- Legs and ankles. Usually make black tattoos on the hips in the form of garters or delicate patterns on the ankles (bracelets, chains, inscriptions, flowers, animals). It should be borne in mind that the process of applying a black tattoo on the ankle is very painful.
- Loins. Traditionally, symmetric images as well as totem patterns are applied to the lower back.

How to properly care for a tattoo?
There is a tattoo care instruction that must be followed so that the black tattoo heals faster and the infection does not get into it. The scheme is as follows:
- it is necessary to lubricate the damaged area twice a day with antiseptic and healing agent;
- in no case can not tear the crust, it should be moistened with a special tool until it does not come off on its own;
- do not allow overheating of the skin, for a while to refuse to visit the solarium, the beach and the sauna;
- Before visiting the shower, lubricate the damaged area with Vaseline.
By following these simple guidelines step by step, in two weeks you will be able to boast a tattoo, the skin will heal quickly and without consequences.

Features black tattoo and contraindications
Black tattoo is a decoration for life, so you should weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. If there are doubts about the feasibility of a tattoo, then it is better to abandon the procedure altogether, since the removal of an image that is annoying or has lost its appearance is a long, painful and expensive procedure, after which scars will remain.
For the sample, you can make a temporary tattoo, for example, mehendi - so you will feel all your sensations and decide whether you need such a decoration for life. It is also worth remembering that the tattoo requires regular correction, it can lose shape and fade, the drawings on the body can become an obstacle to career growth.

It is advisable to make black tattoos in the salon - this reduces the risk of getting infections. Selecting sketches of black tattoos, it is also better to turn to a professional who will show albums with photos of his works or select the original style that will avoid unpleasant moments: for example, some images in a certain stylization are used in the criminal environment. Choosing hieroglyphs, runes and magic symbols, it is important to know their exact meaning, because such images can affect future life and destiny.

There are medical contraindications to the tattoo, which should be considered in order to avoid serious health problems. It is impossible to make a tattoo with black paint to persons:
- with a low pain threshold;
- with mental disorders;
- suffering from cardiovascular and skin diseases;
- during pregnancy and feeding.
- It is also worth refusing the procedure during critical days, with fever, colds, alcohol and drugs.

Summarize by Black Tattoo
Black tattoos have many fans, they look spectacular and original. However, if you want to make such a decoration, you should carefully examine the various sketches of black tattoos and responsibly approach the choice of the master, properly care for the tattoo, then you will get an excellent result and emphasize your beauty. If you want to share your opinion about Black Tattoo, you can leave a comment under this article.